Psiphon APK

Developer: Psiphon Inc. Size: 5.0 MB Version: 65 Requirement: 2.2 and up Price: Free

Psiphon 65 APK

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  • Psiphon 65 APK has been updated a few days ago. This app is very popular and it’s one of top communication apps for Android. Download and install it to your phone if you want to use it. Lately, in one of the Android community on Facebook was busy discussing about this app. For those of you who do not know what it is, which is a tool for accessing the Internet through a secure network, also called a VPN.

    From his official page on Google Play described can be used to secure Internet network for you who like to take advantage of free WiFi in cafes or in public places. Other advantages, it is able to open the site in a sensor or blocked by the operator of the Android device. That makes the app selling these days, just like other VPN applications, and by some members there transformed into the application to access the internet for free.

    Over a million people across the world are already using Psiphon’s censorship circumvention tool to access Internet sites and services that are blocked or otherwise unavailable through their normal service provider. Whether it’s to access sites that your provider is blocking, or to add a layer of protection when using open Wi-fi services, Psiphon 65 is the best tool for accessing the open Internet.

    Features of Psiphon 65 APK

    • Browser or VPN (whole-device) mode, so you can choose whether to tunnel everything or just your web browser.
    • In-app stats telling you how much traffic you’ve been using.
    • Free for personal use! Contact us directly for corporate licensing.
    • Featured on BestVPN
    • It is an open source project
    Psiphon 65 Screenshot 1
  • What's New in Psiphon 65 APK

    Homepage launches in new Home tab

  • Apps Reviews

    It was perfect to use in China! I used it for almost everything because so many things were censored or blocked. This included most Google services and apps, international news outlets, and even international chat apps.