
Opera Mini APK

Opera Mini 12.0.1987.97260 APK

November 4, 2015

Opera Mini 12.0.1987.97260 APK has released and you can download it or update your app easily. This is the latest version from the developer and there isn’t update since a month ago. Android is an operating system that is rich in…

Vine APK

Vine 3.3.10 APK

November 4, 2015

Vine 3.3.10 APK has been updated. Have you download it? If you are still using old version you can update your games now. Features offered of this application is that we can record video for 6 seconds, and can be shared…

DU Speed Booster APK

DU Speed Booster 2.7.7 APK

November 4, 2015

DU Speed Booster 2.7.7 APK has been released a few days ago and it has new optimization from the developer. Work slow smartphone is one of the major problems faced by users. Therefore, to combat this weakness consequences of the use…

Facebook Messenger APK

Facebook Messenger APK

November 4, 2015

Facebook Messenger APK has been released which the developer has improved the speed of this app. Download the file if you want to update or install it on your device. The developer did say that communication via Messenger application will…

Instagram APK

Instagram 7.9.2 APK

November 4, 2015

Instagram 7.9.2 APK has been released with its new features. You can download it and update your app for free to get all the features. We get the answer from the developer, they have released its special app for Android user…